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Creo, PTC and the "Windows integration"


Where are now all the saladworks people complaining that ptc was not able to integrate its products in windows, and that the CREO "white" gui was a deviation from the "correct" style of the ribbon? Are they maybe looking at Office 13 interface, writing to Microsoft to complain that Office is not compliant with how a "true windows application" should look?

I'd like to know who appointed MS the master of the UI? They have repeatedly shown they pretty much suck at it.
dr_gallup said:
I'd like to know who appointed MS the master of the UI? They have repeatedly shown they pretty much suck at it.

This is quite true to some extent, but is is not the point, the point is that people criticize for the sake of criticizing, without even knowing for example that ptc was one of the first company to have access to the new ribbon framework and style
At least PTC has a direction. The organization of the tools is much better in Creo. THe problem now is there needs to be a 'User Interface Bible' for all the producrt line managers to "try" to adhere to. For example copy paste works differntly in ISDX than in Core Creo.

PS. I have a meeting today with Microsoft and they asked for Dunkin' Donuts to be delivered. There is not one Dunkin' Donuts in all of Seattle. ;) Jokes on me
design-engine said:
THe problem now is there needs to be
a 'User Interface Bible' for all the producrt line managers
to "try" to adhere to.

Good luck there. A few year's ago I tried to get on a TC
to help out with some of the interface irregularities (like
how many things does the middle mouse mean? Done, next,
cancel, new, quit - all depending on context). I asked to
be on the team that oversaw global interface issues and PTC
responded that there was none, each group did their own
Unified interface was one of the features of CREO.

Appearance Manager is a good example of someone doing their
own thing - not even UNDO

Drawing & PDF output - well theres another dogs breakfast

They have all the tools in Windchill for managing this
stuff but appear to not use it themselves.

Software people dont think like mechanical engineers.

