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creo: replace objects in sketcher?


New member
Hello everybody!

I was used to work with wildfire 3. now I started with creo and I can not find the "replace" commands of the good old sketcher menu.
once it was possible to replace dimensions as references and to replace the instances created (lines, circles) again as references.

It should be still possible obviously but I can not find the command.
Sideways: is it possible to have a kind of legacy setup with the sketcher menu at the side?
go to select - operations - replace

if you can't find a command that you used to know where it was, click on the magnifying glass in the top right and type it in. this is the command locator. it will let you click the command right from the search box and it will also highlight the command in your menus so you know where it is for the next time. in this case, since I have a mapkey for this function I also can never remember the correct path to find it. so i typed in "replace" in the search bar and it brought the command right up.

When you are in sketcher all you need to do is hold down the right mouse button. When the pop up window appears REPLACE will be the first selection in that window!
Right neilb; however, you need to select the sketch item to be replaced first. Then RMB, replace, pick the new sketch item intended to take its place.

