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Creo vs Solidworks


New member
I am new to this site and was hoping I could get some insight here. I have been using proe since '93 and solidworks for since '07. First I should say, I have been a diehard proe guy for a long time, but am more and more increasingly being converted the more I use SW. Also, I have zero interest in bashing either software, I feel they are both incredible having come from the drawing board many many years ago.

I often have the choice which software to use. I am a private consultant and have to support both softwares and am considering letting my support laspe on creo because I truly prefer SW, presently. But, I have much less experience with SW.

So, my question is to those of you with lots of experience with;
1. Castings and molded parts with complex drafts and rounds, can SW handle it? Proe can be a bear sometimes (most) but I can always get it done.
2. I've done some 50-80 part assemblies in SW but what happens when they go over 100, are there issues?
I started with Proe in 2004. I switched to SW in 2010 due to customer's requirements. I use sheetmetal most of the time and prefer SW. However, in my experience Proe beats SW in top down design. SW losses external references and causes lengthy rebuilds in large assemblies. Open one part in the assembly, close it, the large assembly rebuilds before the it displays. Very frustrating. There is an option to break external references but you lose top down design. In Proe you preselect references. In SW it seams that everything is available for selection. This may be why Proe performs faster than SW on large assemblies. I am currently using SW12 and like to know if external references have improved in SW14.
I've been using creo 2.0 and SW 2010 an eequal amount over the past 4 months and I would now prefer to use SW. I know we are having issues with our setup on Creo which is slowing things down but even so I find it frustrating and so less user friendly than SW. I have a large assembly (1500 parts) in SW on a fairly low spec machie compared to what I am running Creo on and it runs fine. Load speed is quick enough and things run smoothly. I have only had issues with lost references in SW when I make a mistake. Otherwise I find top down design and family tables very stable in SW and always have done.

