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Cross Section thru an Assy

mark c

New member
I'm having trouble creating a cross section through an assy using the view mamger. One of the components will not allow the section to pass through it.

The component accuracy is the same as the assy accuracy. At the component level, I can create a cross section in the component that is giving me trouble.

Does anybody have an idea?

I remember when I used to be productive using UG.
Usually that's caused by having surfaces not hidden in your model. If all models are layered right and there aren't any surfaces I can't explain it. Cross sections are pretty straight forward as long as your making the right selections when making them.
There is a bug with cross sections not showing correctly in 3D.The section should show correctly on your drawing BUT NOT ALWAYS! Sometimes you end up having to offset a plane 0.001" or a tiny amount from the plane you actually wanted to show. Part accuracies will probably have an influence as you have stated. I can never get the 3D cross section to show correctly, although this is usually on models with more complicated geometry.
Also, in some instances a cross section may not work as intended due to the section cutting across on a tangent line of a part. I've seen this in older builds (up to WF2) and simply moving the cross section by a little amount (0.05mm for example) usually corrects the problem.
When this happens to me the problem usually is that my section is cutting thru a small feature ( just nick the corner of a feature). I would have to redefine my section sketch to make this small feature go away.


