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Curvature constraint in sketcher


New member

Is it possible to add curvature constraint in sketcher (not a datum curve). For example to add curvature constraint between a line and a spline? I have seen a pic from Jacek (see below) and there is a C constraint, which shows the curvature (I think). Or do we need ISDX?

P.S: I have been learning Pro/E since a couple of months and this is my first entry. I hope I can learn many from you and then convey my knowledge to other users
This doesn't work to set the curvature to be continuous between two splines. I add a radius dimension at the end of each spline and set the two to be equal. But there could be something I'm missing.

setting two splines to maintain curvature at transition point is not that easy in Sketcher.

Jeff introduced once or twice a method which involves relations. Unfortunately it looks it can`t be made another way.
muadib3d said:
setting two splines to maintain
curvature at transition point is not that easy in
Jeff introduced once or twice a method
which involves relations. Unfortunately it looks it
can`t be made another way.

Here is a link to one of those:

I studied those equations he used at lunch for a couple
days and couldn't figure out where they came from...did
you Jacek?
I just know how to use them. I haven`t gone so deep to "disassemble" spline algoritms into the details.

From my pespective they are fine, but "heavy" to be used often.

