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Curvature continuous corners


New member
Hello All,

I am doing some surfacing in Pro/E Wildfire 2.0 and am trying to create a "pillowed" surface where the corners of the pillow are rounded. All the surfaces need to be curvature continuous and as smooth as possible. I can generate the top and sides of the pillow, but at the corners, you end up with triangular patches (2 side edges and the rounded bottom edge of the pillow).

Pro/E is terrible at creating curvature continuous triangular surfaces...

I can brute force a solution by trimming out the corners and making additional 4-sided patches, but I figured I would ping the talent on this site to see if anyone has a really elegant, robust solution for modeling this kind of geometry. It is such common geometry, I'd imagine someone here has a slick method.

Thanks in advance for your help!
> Pro/E is terrible at creating curvature
> continuous triangular surfaces...

It's rare indeed to encounter boundary conditions where
creating a curvature continuous three sided surface is possible.

There may not be a push button solution. Or any solution at all.
It's hard to say without seeing a representative geometry set.
Post something?
Yeah, I have ISDX II. But I am doing this work for a client who does not have ISDX, so they have requested that I not use Style features. They will need to be able to work with the files after my contract is finished.

I can't post a picture due to confidentiality restrictions. I'd have to model up something else as an example and I don't have time for that right now.

But I may have found a nice solution that I will try to share with the forum when I have some time. It involves lofting the 3 sides as one feature and then merging with the top surface which was modeled separately. Still working on the continuity between the top surface and the sides, but the current results are promising.

Thanks for the advice, guys!
if is funny that you try to do such complex operations with
out style functionality. It can be done and we did it for years....

We don't have to make soap any more and it must seam like we live in a utopia
to those in the early 1800's because we can purchase soap at any corner

You should educate your customer. I bet
you work for a tractor company. ;)
this is g2 cornders ;)


g2 or curvature continious corners modeling technique.

"Pro/E is terrible at creating curvature continuous
triangular surfaces..."

There is not a surfacing modeler on the market that does anything good with 3
part boundaries. Your problem is of technique not software limitations
as is usually the case with respect to surfacing.

Edited by: design-engine

I can empathise with your situation. In the grand world of company budgets people decide , ohh why have this add on style function when it costs so much. If we only have a few people using it then lets cancel that. It is probably your task to encourage them to see the benefits and keep those things that are valuable. You may not need a function all the time, but the time you do need it might be the difference between a project and another lost account.

Since you are doing contract work they may not listen to you in the same way. It might help you to understand the packages available from Pro-e and be able to advocate what this company obviously can use, such as style.

just a thought...curious to see your workaround solution


if you have enough experiance or you make it a matter of life or death, then you can make anything. we had complete a lot of projects without style, when ISDX is not available. keep it up man and you will do it.
ameuniot said:
Hello All,

I can brute force a solution by trimming out the corners and making additional 4-sided patches, but I figured I would ping the talent on this site to see if anyone has a really elegant, robust solution for modeling this kind of geometry.

Hi Ameuniot,

interseting choice of word yo have there! :)Trimimg out a three sided surface to effectively create a 4 sided surface is a tried and tested (and robust!) technique uses throughout the industry and any three sided blend or loft or whatever you put in thereis going to have a singularity at one of those endpoints!

Good luck with your technique!


