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curve on surface in Pro/SURFACE


New member
When trying to edit the 'tweak' values of the CV's when sketching a Curve onto a surface between two points I can only edit the CV's once. Upon re-entering by 'edit definition' I can't edit the CV's. Can't move the lower curve if you go into edit twice.

Anyone got a luck on this one? I hate saying CAN'T

View attachment 1866

Edited by: design-engine
I have seen some strange, irrational behavior while trying to tweak "on quilt/surf" curves. All I can suggest is re-boot and if the strange behavior persists try redefining the surface (?). Can you post the file?


One more thought that comes to mind: You might try clearing the tweak (add pnt, confirm, Done) and then redefine the tweak.
Edited by: jeff4136
I have never seen this problem but I do constantly have a problem moving the points in more than one direction when in curve tweak. it doesnt seem to matter what defining plan I use or which direction I have selected, they all just seemto move the same way everytime.

