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Curve through points


New member
I need help in finding an easy way to create a datum curve or a surface thru an array on points. These points are generated by another program and imported into Pro/E using a .pts file. This is an example part. A true part could have as many as 10,000 points. I am attaching the sample part in a zip file. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
View attachment 2618

some of the points lie one on will have to delete such points to create the curve through points.

Hey, itis Really a tough job if you are having abt 10000 points so ask the person who have given you the points to make sure that there is no point which lie on other point.


Deepak Bhat
Edited by: deepakbhat_nie
Thanks, but I cant find any points on top of other points. Can you be more specific as to where you saw it.

if that shape is somewhat planar why dont you create a sketch that is very close to that shape. You should be able to "trace" the points to a high enough level of accuracy.

