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Curve thru points with tangent conditions


New member
I created a curve thru 3 points and am trying to make the end conditions tangent. Why is the 'flip' greyed out. It's driving me up a wall. Anyone run into this problem or have any solutions.
Thanks in advance.

I'd attach a pic but can't get it down to 19.5 KB
Are you saying that you made the curve through 3 datum points? If that is the case, then there will be no tangency at the ends...points do not have direction. If you are picking entities then there could be a problem where the middle pick will not let there be tangency at the ends. You may need to not use the 3 point arc and use the normal 2 point and that will allow tangency at the ends. It would help out a lot if you could get a picture to post.
I think you had a datum point at the end of the sketch line.

You can just skip the datum points.

Just use Curve through points, click the ends of the sketch lines.

This will make the datum curve to be tangent with the sketch lines.
Whether you choose the vertex at the end of the line or a datum point created at the end of the line shouldn't make a difference. Tried using the vertex as you said and it didn't.

Thanks though
What I see is that your start point is at the same level or lower than your end point. There is no way that the end can be tangent unless you move the start point higher (toward the right in your picture).

