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Curves from X section


New member
Hello there,

Is it possible to create curves form cross sections of a surface/facets?( WF2)In unigraphics there isan option to create curves from a section analysis. The analysis is also available in Pro e WF2 but I couldn't create curves from them.

I also had a problem with the visibilty of a cross section ( View manager). Some times it shows a yellow outline and the next second it's gone??!! Is this an overall problem? The thing is that I want to create a surface from a facet feature ( scandata) but I don't know whats the best solution to do this. Can anybody help me?

Thanks in advance
If you have the "Insert Datum Curve" icon displayed on the toolbar, select it. Then select "use Xsec". If you don't have the icon, on the top tool bar, select, Insert, Model Datum, Curve, Use Xsec.
Sometimes a cross section comes very close to a vertex, and cannot create the section. Try changing your accuracy to a very low number, ".0001". This sometimes helps. Also, if you have any "Geometry checks", and they are on this section, you might have to resolve the geometry checks before the section can be created.
Hi All,

How can i find the model sectioning on the toolbar so that i can make xsec on my model which will be use to create datum curve using xsec?

Many thanks,

Thanks for the Tips and sorry for the late reaction. But I was so busy and internet is not always in handreach. I actually forgot the option of the curve by x-section. But what when i want to create more x section curves. Is this by creating a lot off x section in the view manager?

Does someone have exprienced reverse engineering with facetted scandata? What should be the easiest way to create the surfaces? I just placed the scandata in a assembly and tried to make the right surface by measuring the distance between the scan and my surface.

Thanks in advance!

