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custom hole geometry


New member
I have a student that does not like the default settings for the hole layout geometry.For example he likes to use a different bore diameter for the cbore geometry for some reason and uses so many of them the time to go and change each one is bothersome.He says that in sw (god) it's easy just adjust the table....I did not get a demonstration tho.

how do you adjust default settings using a table of some kind for holes so each new hole builds appropriately to his standards.
If you use excel to edit a new hole chart use delimited instead of fixed width. Using fixed width will mess up the formating and ProE won't recognize it.
Here is the file location that can be modified, if holes, counterbores, chamfers, ect. are not coming out the way you want. As KDEM stated above be careful when modifing these files!! It works the best if you leave the format the same and count the row you want to work in and then make your changes. I would also strongly suggest that before you make any changes to these files, you make a back-up copy some where else.


The files have a .hol extension and cand be modified in notepad, or Excel.


