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Customized Options Won’t Save


New member
I just got solidworks 2008 and I went through and customized all the toolbars and options and whatnot and then used the copy settings wizard to save my preferences. I checked all the boxes and tried to do this multiple times, but all the toolbars save properly, however any settings under the options menu do not save. The standard units/dimension precision/display settings reset every time I open a new part.

Is there anything special I am forgetting to do or am I just out of luck here?
Hey, thanks for the tip, but it is not fully working. When I go to the 'advanced' new document tab I can select my template and it works as it should. I set the default part template to my new one as well, but if i select new part from the normal menu it opens the standard template - without my settings. When I look under the options tab it has my template selected as the default though.

If it can't be fixed, this is still a lot easier than having to change several options each time, but if it can that would be convenient. Thanks again!
I am glad to be useful for you.

Where you save your template ? In what folder ? Look in SISTEM OPTIONS under DEFAULT TEMPLATES. Is necesary to tell SW where the templates are. Be sure that your custom templates are in the same directory with the SW's default templates. Or... set the path to point the folder wich contain your templates.

Be aware: Make copies to SW templatesif you replace the SW templates with yours templatesand be sure you remember later the default SW's pathes if you change this pathes.

Note that I do not try what I "teach" you. So... it is on your risk

Good luck !

