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Cut a part using another part as referenc


New member

I'm trying to figure out how to cut a shape out of a part, using another part
as the reference....

For example, if I'm trying to design a holder or case, instead of having to
redesign the original model in the negative as "cuts" rather than
protrusions, is there a way to say, create a cube, then cut that original model
inside of the cube, thereby creating a perfect "slot" or case/holder for it?

Thanks, and sorry for the poor description.
not a poor description. That's perfect. What your are referring to in Pro/ENGINEEER part design world is 'top down' design.

As you can imagine there are many ways to accomplish what your describe.

Your request is to use one part to cut from another... often we go about that task in many ways not just a cut function in assembly mode.

1 Master Merge
2 Copy Geometry
3 Skeletons

Each technique has a page of description techniques and alterations complete with step by step account.
I thought that was coming next so I did a search in google for 'master merge'. Not much to post as it's kind of an old technique so I wanted to see where that was online. If you don't have advanced assembly I think you can still do that master merge technique. Ill have to start proe to see what are those menu clicks.

If you have advanced assembly you can do the copy geometry technique which I prefer since you are not in a large group of engineers working together at which point I would use the publish geometry option of copy geom.

With the later two techniques you will need to know a little surfacing too but thats another topic.
Edited by: design-engine
Well I'm in an assembly now... What's the process to do this?

Currently I'm using 2001 on my laptop, but my work PC has Wildfire on it.
sorry for the delay... working at the same time.

In a WF4.0 assembly (and it's not wildfireized)

'EDIT' 'COMPONENT OPERATIONS' 'CUT OUT' or 'MERGE' Each will do it I believe.

For Copy Geometry you do that in part mode.

'INSERT' 'SHARED DATA' 'COPY GEOMETRY'In this case you copy one part's surface data and use that surface data to create a cut into one part. In effect you end up with one part removed from the other. Same difference just different approach.

Edited by: design-engine
Thanks very much! It looks like that's going to work!

One last question:
Does Pro/E allow the use of reference images located on datums? I've never
been able to discover this functionality.

I'm looking for something similar to what you'd find in a 3D animation app,
just the ability to design based on a reference image for complex curves,

Thanks again.
andythefiredog said:
Thanks very much! It looks like
that's going to work!

One last question:
Does Pro/E allow the use of reference images located on
datums? I've never
been able to discover this functionality.

I'm looking for something similar to what you'd find in
a 3D animation app,
just the ability to design based on a reference image
for complex curves,

Thanks again.

"trace sketch" function of style(ISDX) is a good choice.
IceFai is correct but you will need ISDX for that functionality. Back before ISDX (circa 2000) we used to do trace sketch functions by projecting the jpeg onto a surface and sketch around that ... all in Pro/PHOTORENDER.

Good luck and share your results on the fourm!

(posted from a cafe in Boston)
Haha.. That's EXACTLY what I'm working on doing!

Funny how we driven to the same conclusions...

I'll certainly share how it goes, and thanks!

