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Cut Intersecting Parts


New member

Ive been trying to remove some material on a part due its intersection with an other one. On my assembly I created a cut-out (edit - component operation - cutout) which resulted in the following:

The original part is in blue, the cut out in that messy yellow color.

Now im deseperatly trying to cut the intersecting regions since this morning but my knowledge is little and I cannot make it work.

Could you please advise?
Thanks in advance!
How would I do so?
The major problem is that I do not have the right dimension/curves of the yellow feature I had to import from IGES and BoundaryBlend the surface in ProE. The CutOut feature is the only way I found to "merge" the yellow feature with the blue one. Now I need to get rid of the interescting blue section. But how? I don't know
Hi again,

In a more general way, let's assume I have a rectangle says rectangle.part and a sphere says sphere.part. While assembling them I figure out that these two parts are intersecting at some point and that I need to modify the rectangle such as the sphere is correctly assembled.
What I would like to figure out is, how to get rid of the intersecting solid on my rectangle without going thru the sketch/cut process, but just by specifying in my assembly that these two parts are interesecting and that the rectangle.part should be modified accordingly.
Is that possible?

Many Thanks jeff, Im so glad to see there was a way to do it!! This is exactly what I was trying to do

