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cut one piece by a sketch to make several


New member
Hello all,

I wonder if someone knows if it's possible to cut a piece according to the lines of a sketch in an easy way and create the according cut parts.

For example I have a flat part that I want to cut on any irregular sketch made of lines and circles so that if you draw the sketch on the flat part and if you cut along the lines of the sketch, you can create pieces of the main part. Quite like if you were cutting a pie. But I want to be able to to this by a sketch so that if I change the sketch dimensions, all the cut pieces will resize.

Same question if I want to cut a pipe along its length at several spots that may change.

You can`t cut solids with sketch. An aditional features must be introduced to obtain this.

If You part is a solid, You can make sketch, and then use extrude(but sketch must contain only closed loops, with do not intrsect each other.

Or, If Your geom is surfaces based, You can project sketch and use trim

however it all will end up with more than one feature for cutting
To describe more accurately what I mean, here is a screencap.

I would like to cut this part along the sketched blue lines and create the depending pieces. And if I later decide to change the sketch, the cut pieces should change accordingly.
well ronfya

thousand of ways could be introduced here

I remmeber dell_boy was pretty amazing about such tricks

Ok, if I were You - taking your demands as base constraints - I would make first major sketcxh which contains all entities

then I would create sinle sketches which contain closed seperate area(Use edge from major sketch)

based on seprate closed area - single sketch, I would use tehm to create each piece as separate extrude.

with such conditions - you control no, and order of pieces simply by suppresing unneeded single sketch.

If top and bottom surf of this "dish" is not flat

so then You create top and bottom surf as single Revolve surf, and use it to remove material by Edit > Solidify > Remove
muadib3d said:
Ok, if I were You - taking your demands as base constraints - I would make first major sketcxh which contains all entities

then I would create sinle sketches which contain closed seperate area(Use edge from major sketch)

based on seprate closed area - single sketch, I would use tehm to create each piece as separate extrude.

Well, this is actually what I came up with while waiting for an answer

BUT (why there is always a "but" ?
) this implies that I can only redimension the sketch without problems. If I want to erase or add some lines in my sketch, I will mess with references ... and I will have to be very careful ... and I will have to delete some cut parts and create new ones.

I am looking forward to do this because I would like to experiment with the cutting pattern too which I have yet no idea about the best shape.

well first - glad to hear we came to same solution even though we haven`t never met each other.

this provides me to conclusion that "human being software" is wide common only "language interfaces" are different

most of problem You recognize comes directly from the nature of feature based programs

well, remeber that is not so bad though - PTC gave You Edit > Replace tool in the sketcher to handle such cases -

"If I want to erase or add some lines in my sketch, I will mess with
references ... and I will have to be very careful ... and I will have
to delete some cut parts and create new ones."

