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cut out and family table


New member
can the cut out feature update with family table?
I suppose that in assembly i make a cut out between 2 components.
one of these components has a family table instances.
so, when replacing with an instance, the cut is not updated. why?

It will update. Still if u have any issues to updation, try this. select the cutout feature also in the familly table, select the option yes or no.
You cut-out part A with part B and part B has a family table.
Part B is referenced, even if you later replace it with an instance in the assy.
(You can even delete the assy and the cut-out still works)

Make a family table for part A, pick "merge feature" when creating a column in the table.

Now you can create instances of part A and use the different instances in part B as references for your cut-out by simply writing the instance name in the table column for the merge feature

(Hope this reads well, its so easy to do it when you know how but not as easy to explain in writing....

