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Cutout operation


New member
I tried everything I could to perform the boolean operation in proe

1. I tried shared data->from file -> cut

this works sometimes but does not work most of time. Basically, I don't see a subtraction in volume but just two parts merged.

2. Inheritance

This does not even let me choose the reference part. It keep says not valid part

3. component operation in assy

It keep says something like adjust accuracy to absolute accruacy.

I really don't know what to do now. Is there something wrong with my files?

I tried both prt and igs files.
I suppose You come from Catia WORLD :))))

well, if you really do, I also envy Catias boolean operations. Lack of this is really Pro\E disadvantage. However Cut out does provide a little funcionality tot his area.

If you really are interested in boolean operations, in Pro\E, they are reserved only for surfaces with merge funcionality.

So if you have two solid volumes and you really want to substract them in some strange manner, change them to surface volume - pick surface, choose sloid surfaces, copy, paste

then put them in the same model and try merge option.

But beware, merge in Pro\E has a lot of demands to be done right. This volume must intersect with each other in all direction

bolean in Pro\e sucks

