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Cuts on a curved surface


New member
Hello all,

I have been trying to figure out how to cut text onto a sphere, or any curves surface for that matter. I know it can be done by cutting the text straight back and offsetting surfaces. I want the text to follow the curved surface and cut the same way. I have Wildfire 2 and 3 at my disposal at work. Can someone or all please post any information that can help me.

Thank you
it s nothing but an offset fearure,
proe doesnt allow to sketch letters for offsetting, for that u hav 2 create the sketch before, the create an offset
by utilizing this sketch thru use edge option,
The best way I can describe what I am trying to do is create this cut on a sphere. I want the cut to follow the contour of the sphere. Kinda of like the lines on a basketball, baseball, etc. I want the text to be "wrapped" on the sphere or contoured surface.
foolmankh,will the Offset with Draft feature work with text and still "wrap" to the contour of the sphere.

Dibz, I would appreciate a copy of the model you posted so I can try and understand how you did that. My e-mail is:

[email protected]

thanks for the model. The cuts appear to be straight cuts. Try to wrap text around the shpere and then do the cut. This is what I am having a hard time trying to figure out.

foolmankh, if you have a model or information that can help me as well, please post what you have.
I understand the offset with draft option, but lets say that I have text that I want to wrap around the sphere and also create a cut along the contour. Is there a way to do this?
Hello Everyone,

I have been given the assignment to create text on a conical shape feature. i have found this to very difficult. As you can see the test is not projected normal to the surface, and is deforming downward. I created this so far by doing a datum curve and then wrapping the datum curve around the feature. Any help fellows?

thanks, Justin

View attachment 2510

Here is exactly what I need but instead of the text being placed on a cylinder I want it on a conical shaped feature.

any ideas?

Edited by: 93Civic_hb
Hi Justin

just make ur sketch a datum curve and put text in sketch, then go to offset and choose with draft option, then in sketching use "use edge" option and use the sketch for use edge, u must notselect the whole text in one feature but u must make in three or four features.


This is the best I got so far. The text did a great job wrapping about the conical shaped feature but only the text is placed normal to the tapered surface and not to my sketching plane (which is normal to thefront datum). How can I get the text to be normal to thefront datum plane without destorting? Please see the picture below


View attachment 2513

