Hello All
I am new to ProE, I need anyone to help me figure out what I am doing wrong, I have been trying to search fro an answer for few days with no success,
so if you even point out where to find answer I will be greatfull,
I am trying to do structural analysis on a heat exchanger, basicly my model is a cylindrical vessel that has tubes inside it and I have
1 Gravity load, 1 Force load on the tubes, 1 Temperature load
I first tried to insert a surface region for the Force load and I applied the force to that region but whever I run the simulation I get errors like below
Working on 2 volume(s) ...
Pre-processing features for 16 surfaces ...
Searching for existing solid elements inside the volume ...
Found 0 existing solid element(s) inside the volume.
Pre-processing boundary features ...
Optimizing boundary point locations ...
Detecting thin features on the volume ...
Pre-processing volume features ...
Could not complete creating elements
on all of the selected entities.
Fatal Error; Run Terminated
Fri Jul 20, 2007 10:54:13
Mechanica could not generate elements for all of the
entities in the model. To view the model with elements,
open the study model in Mechanica's independent
mode. You can then run error checking interactively and
examine the model further.
If the model does not contain any elements, return to
Pro/ENGINEER and transfer the model to independent
mode. Then, mesh the geometry using AutoGEM and use the
diagnostic messages to identify the problem areas.
I tried to mesh the model but also have errors, I will really appreciate any help on this. how can I work with this cylindrical shape structure and do the structural analysis.
Thanks for reading
I am new to ProE, I need anyone to help me figure out what I am doing wrong, I have been trying to search fro an answer for few days with no success,
so if you even point out where to find answer I will be greatfull,
I am trying to do structural analysis on a heat exchanger, basicly my model is a cylindrical vessel that has tubes inside it and I have
1 Gravity load, 1 Force load on the tubes, 1 Temperature load
I first tried to insert a surface region for the Force load and I applied the force to that region but whever I run the simulation I get errors like below
Working on 2 volume(s) ...
Pre-processing features for 16 surfaces ...
Searching for existing solid elements inside the volume ...
Found 0 existing solid element(s) inside the volume.
Pre-processing boundary features ...
Optimizing boundary point locations ...
Detecting thin features on the volume ...
Pre-processing volume features ...
Could not complete creating elements
on all of the selected entities.
Fatal Error; Run Terminated
Fri Jul 20, 2007 10:54:13
Mechanica could not generate elements for all of the
entities in the model. To view the model with elements,
open the study model in Mechanica's independent
mode. You can then run error checking interactively and
examine the model further.
If the model does not contain any elements, return to
Pro/ENGINEER and transfer the model to independent
mode. Then, mesh the geometry using AutoGEM and use the
diagnostic messages to identify the problem areas.
I tried to mesh the model but also have errors, I will really appreciate any help on this. how can I work with this cylindrical shape structure and do the structural analysis.
Thanks for reading