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datum naming


New member
This is something that has bothered me for a while. I have a casting and machining part. Datum -A- exist in the casting part. I want to put datum -A- into the machining part. So I place an axis on the hole feature between them but when I go to set datum -A- in the machining it tells me that is already exist. How do I get around this so I can have datum -A- in both the casting and machining.
What I understand is that you are trying to create datum -A- in assembly.

Try to create the datum individually inside each part and not in the assembly.

I hope this solves your problem.
I have similar problem, I have casted part as a raw part and I used External inheritance to keep linkwith raw part for creating machined part. For drawing I have to used same referencies, but I'm not able to pick something from this external inheritance and from logical reasons I'm not able to create new reference with same name as was used in external part. How can I solve it?

