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Datum plane sizes


New member
Hi all,

Is there any config option so that the datum plane sizes are maintained constant reletive to screen during zoom in/zoom out.

shankar_me said:
Hi all,

Is there any config option so that the datum plane sizes are maintained constant reletive to screen during zoom in/zoom out.


Do U mean that it should apperar like CATIA environment?
I don't think this can be done in Pro/E. You can re-size planes, but they are a fixed dimensional size, regardless of the zoom. So CATIA can maintain the size of the plane display relative to the screen? That is kinda cool. Sounds like a feature enhancement request to me.
venu2citd said:
Hi Me

i think it is not possiable

why do u need that?

is there any specific reasion?


I think shankar has shifted from CATIA to Pro-e so he may be having that problem. But I tried to search config option regarding that, I have not found anything.
Edited by: deepak0132002


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