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Datum Point Offsets


New member
I created a 3D datum curve and am trying to section them into different segments. The first step I need to finish is creating datum points along the 3D curve in order to use them as references in the split datum function. My problem is with the datum point creation. There is a feature called Actual Len in the Create Datum Point> On Curve menu that allows me to specify a curve length. It is using the wrong end of my curve as the starting point reference. Is there a way for me to change this?
nkpham Redefine your curve, Reference plane to go oppsosite of what you have. I hope this help and let me know if it did or didnt.


what do you mean by this? i used the TOP datum as my sketching plane and use RIGHT/RIGHT as my reference view. What would I change?
on which one? i created two separate curves and used the 2 projection option in Datum Curve to combine them. one of these curves comes from an equation, so i can't change the viewing as far as i know. i tried changing the viewing for the other one, but it doesn't seem to change anything.
beats the heck out of me! here is my email [email protected] in case you want me to take a closer look. i am familiar with using two curves to combine. with this said that doesnt mean i do or dont have an answer. but it couldnt hurt.
does anyone else have any suggestions? is there a way to simply change the starting point of the curve through a menu?

