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It is that you'll make a foto or other file into a picture that you can place around or on a surface. look to the screenscot that i've made.View attachment 5943

here jou see some exsamples but there is/must be,a way to put images to them, so that you often can use easly just by clicking on photoworks in Solidworks
Hi Ann

If you are trying to put the images onto the solid model you have created in SoliWorks to then create renderedimages, you will need the PhotoWorks package. This allows easy pleacement of the JPEG image onto a surface of the model.

Hope that helped
Hi Ann,

I don't know what version of SolidWorks you're using, but this works in SW 2011:

1. Right click the surface onto which you wish to place your image.
2. Select the "Appearances" icon, and then sub-select "Face".
3. In the Properties Manager panel to the left, the "Color" menu will appear. Select (at the top) "Advanced".
4. Under "Appearance", click on "Browse".
5. Locate the image file that you want to use as your decal.
NOTE: Make sure that SolidWorks is looking for "All Files (*.*)" because by default it will look for "Appearance Files (*.p2m)".
6. Once you have located your image file and clicked on "Open", you will have to manipulate the shape of the image vis-a-vis the surface you selected. You do this via the "Mapping" Tab in the "Color" menu of the Properties Manager panel to the left.
7. Good luck. This requires patience at first.

I think what Docsmson said is correct, however, I dont think the decal will remain if you want to do a photo render.
Thanks a lot-
- it works untill sovar, but now now 'I'mstruggling whith the hight and the width off the image/foto so that itfits niceand propplya round the cilinder.

when I manipulate the decal than become the whith too long when The hight correct is.

Do you haveany triky thin here for?

i've the 2010 version .


