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Default Datum Planes


New member
Hello all, I hope I am in the right forum.Does anybody have any tricks or know of a way to adjust default datum planes sizes to a size smaller than the 500 plus inches in height and width that seems tocome by default. I know how to manually adjust the sizes but thenthe planes donot re-adjust to the size of the part as it grows. We design rather small parts and would like to not have to zoom in and out at the beginning ofeach design to grab lines or modify dimensions in sketcher which can distort the sketch. We are using WF4

Any help would be most appreciative
Draw your object at the large size, but get the shape
right. Then Box select all dimensions, hit the modify
button, lock the scale, then change 1 dimension down to
a reasonable level. Most of this procedure can be
automated with a mapkey.

Most likely you are going to be changing the dimensions
anyway, so what does it matter if you change them from
500 to 1.25 or from 1.5 to 1.25.
You can add a single, small feature to your start part that will 'set' the size. Then, redefine that feature when you start modeling or add a new feature and delete the start feature later.

I just deal with the large size. It's a minor hassle, really. I've been using Pro|E for 12+ years and folks have been asking this question as long as I can remember.
I do as dgs said.

I put a simple circle sketch in my template parts that is hidden & named DELETE_ME. After the first real features are made I delete it. If you forget to delete it, so what.

This is much faster than dealing with select all, lock/unlock, etc.
I use a start part with the datum outlines adjusted to a smaller size

it's in my template folder and when I know I am going to be working with a small part.. I pick "sm_start" instead of "inlbs_part_solid_def"

It's handy too when it's in a assy


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