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delete simplified representation


New member
I made a simp rep in a part and now I don't need it anymore and I want to erase it but I simply can't.

I right clicked on it and I hit remove but it's not working.

Do you have any ideea what could be the problem ?

My part (over 500 features)isREGENERATING TWICE and I got the feeling that thissimp rep is to blame.
first - this rep could not be used in drawing - check this!

second - check if your model is not an instance of Family table
1) is not used in drawing, it has been used but I erased al views for that representation

2) it's not


I made a test, I erased the DRW and then I could erase the simp. rep. also.

So it has something to do with the drawing, but I'm not sure what.

Edited by: Tudor

after small investigation I found a case where it is posibility to be not ablr to remove SImp Rep from model. There is a message from Pro\e
<br style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">Cannot delete Part Simplified Representation that is referenced in memory.

It happens in my case because the model with its rep is used in assembly rep by substitute option
Ok, I solved the problem.

Becaused I used this rep in the drawing, somehow it keeps in memory of the drawing this representation even ifI deleted those views.

In drawing, right click, properties, drawing models, remove rep, you can erase unwanted reps from the drawing and then from the model.

Thanks anyway, muadib3d!
Edited by: Tudor


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