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Deleted workspace - retrieval


New member
HI all,

Is it possible to retrieve a workspace that I have deleted using the INtralink GUI?

I dont have the proe files in back up as well.

I use intralink 3.3 in windows NT.

Since a workspace exists as a directory on disk, I would say 'yes'. But with the same reservations as any other deleted files : you need appropriate undelete tools and the less you use the disk after catastrophy the better the chances of good recovery.

Okay, with special programs/tools, a workspace may be recovered. The deleted workspace is not in the Windoze recycle bin, so it would take some effort.
Hi All,

Last week I deleted my workspace. What I did was to create a new workspace with the same workspace deleted. Then I checked out all the files lost. I then launched ProE. I than ran the ProE trail file, this worked up to a point, but could not fix or determine why the trail file was crashing. I did manage to recover about 3-4 hours of work by running the trail file.

May help in the future, but I still do not recommend deleting the workspace


