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Deleting constraints in Sketch mode.


New member
Good morningfolks,

I have a question: how do you delete constraints in sketch mode?

I am working with WF2.


which onstraints? assembly constraints or mechanica constraints, or sketcher constraints.

you can delete only sketcher constraints in sketcher mode. And its easy. Turn on contraints display and then select a constraint and then press the delete button on your keyboard.

Although it may be a PITA to try to select the appropriate constraint when you have different geometry sharing constraints in exactly the same location on screen.

A workaround is to add a conflicting constraint. ProE then suggests you to delete an offending constraint allowing you a visible cycle through the constraints and an exact kill of the one you're aiming at.

When it's difficult to select a particular constraint, right click on the constraint and select Pick from List. Select the constraint from the list andpress OK. The constraint should be highlighted in red - you can now press the delete keyto delete the constraint.
Remember that the section must always be completely constrained so if you delete a constraint Pro/E is either going to throw in more dimensions or other constraints. I think it is more productive to add dimensions or constraints first, that way you get what you need rather than some more inappropriate automatic dims. If you have soft dims & constraints Pro/E will delete them one by one. If they are all hard, you will get the over constrained dialog and you can select which one to delete like AHA-D said.
DR and AHA make some good points. I usually don't 'harden' all my constraints, so I've gotten into the habit of right click, select, delete if I don't wanta constraintI've added. I think I'll trytheir method and see how I like it - thanks guys!


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