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Deleting files in Windchill


New member
Okay, so I have a real problem here and am hoping someone out there can be more helpful than customer service. I continuously am amazed by how many basic functions are either missing or not allowed by software which costs so much to not only purchase but maintain for the life of the product.


Attempt to delete a few files.
Says need to delete all files associated with at once.

Attempt to delete all files associated with at same time after moving everything suspected to be associated with into one large folder.
Says… The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Too many parameters were provided in this RPC request. The maximum is 2100.

Attempt to focus on a single assembly and track down all objects associated and move everything into a single smaller folder, then delete.
Says… Referential integrity violations occurred for this operation: Cannot delete ######.ext because it is used by Assembly - #####.ext, -.0.

The problem here is there is no way to easily get “all” associated objects related to in “both” directions meaning where used and what references said object(s).


Cannot delete files out of a Windchill system if dealing with an object with more than a few references.

Okay, so decided to try and rename all files with the idea of putting them in an island (i.e. a context that no one can see). Problem here is there is no functionality which exists to rename more than 1 object at a time. This doesn’t work when you’re dealing with thousands of files.


Send us your log files.
Days or weeks go by with no response. Customer requests an update and PTC says they were not able to get any useful information from the logs. Can you send again?
By this point the customer is asking “why haven’t you looked at this until now and why should I send you the log files again since you didn’t bother to look at them the first time I sent and besides it didn’t help anyway?.” Reluctantly the customer sends the log files again.
PTC says the second set of log files did not give them any clues as to what the problem is. The customer support rep says they will pass this case along to someone else who apparently is better equipped to handle this problem.
By this point weeks or months have gone by. After being persistent in asking for status updates, the new support rep contacts the customer and the case ends in typically one of the following ways:

This is not a “problem” but rather a functionality that does not exist out of the box.

We’ve filed an SPR on this case and here’s a link you can follow. (Which means problem may be fixed or may not be, either way looking at years if it does get fixed probably, or problem has been known for a while and an SPR is scheduled to be fixed a few months away.)

