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Dependant dimensions


New member
Just a quick issue with dimensions. I would like to have a dimensions (D2) dependant upon another dimenions (D1). I have linked dimensions but with this issue i would like to have D2= D1*0.5

Secondly I would like to replicate the drawing on a seperate plane to allow for a loft. How do i link the two sketches so If i make changes to the original sketch the secondary sketch on a different plane will automatically adjust?

any ideas?

cheers in advance
Q1: Tools (from menu bar)->Equations... -> Add...

be sure that the cursor is in the box. Select D2. Now, D2 must be automaticaly added in box. Add an EQUAL sign. Select D1 (D1 will be automaticaly addedin box)and write using numeric keys from the keyboard *0.5 or what you want.

Q2: If you name S1 actualy sketch and S2 the new sketch you want to create, work in this way:

-Define a new plane (P2)where you want todrawS2;

-Select S1 (from the tree manager) and, in the same time, with CTRL, select P2;

-Insert (from menu bar) -> Derived sketch.

Now, in P2 plane, you have sketch S2 and, if you modify S1, S2 will be automaticaly updated.

Good luck !



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