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dependent feature copy

Dear krow72,
I use wf4 and you can see the revolve 13 and revolve 14 in model tree.I can see it there.Thanks and regards.
Just downloaded and opened your part, no revolve 13 or 14 for me either. Perhaps you uploaded the wrong file or an older version.
You're missing an internal centerline for the revolve. You need to either create one or create an external one and define it as the revolve axis.
Edited by: kdem
I created it and I choose "Make Fully Dependent copies with options to vary" in dialog box but I can't find all the references in advanced reference configuration dia. box.Would you please send me the order of operation.Thank and best regards.
When using the option you mention above I get five references that need to be selected. Select each one and specify a new reference for each. I'm assuming the references you are having the problems with are the AXIS and SURFACE references. The axis of the pasted revolve 13 feature should be selected for the AXIS reference. The curved surface at the bottom of the pasted revolve 13 feature should be selected for theSURFACE reference. For the planes pick the corresponding ones (FRONT for FRONT, etc).
Is it possible to open revolve 13 during the "advanced reference configuration"dialog box open?I can not choose the axis and surface in this position.
Sorry, missed your post.

sgokben said:
Is it possible to open revolve 13 during the "advanced reference configuration"dialog box open?I can not choose the axis and surface in this position.

No,you're creatinga dependent copy soyou need to specifysimilar references in the new part. Since revolve 13 in the original part has an internal centerline you only get plane references to define in the new part. If you want to specify a centerline as a reference you need to redefine revolve 13 in the original part to use an external centerline. Revolve 14 has an external centerline as a reference so when it is pasted into the new part you need to specify a centerline reference in addition to the planes.

Here is a new part model showing what I understand you to be doing.

View attachment 4867

View attachment 4868

View attachment 4869


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