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diameter vs radius dimension in sketcher


New member
Is there any way to force sketcher (WF3) to go with either diameter or radius when you apply the dimension tool to an arc or circle? It seems like it just randomly picks whichever of the two it's in the mood for with no regard for which one I might prefer.
One left click on the arc and then a middle will get you a radius, two left clicks on the arc and then a middle will get you a diameter.
If you are making a revolved feature and want a diameter dimension pick object, centerline, object and place with MMB.
That method works in all sketches, not just revolves. If you're sketching half of a feature ona part that will be symmetric (and mirrored at the end), you can create the overall dims the same way. The down side is that when shown on the drawing, they come up with a diameter symbol in them, but it can be deleted at the drawing level.

