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Diameters vs Radii in Revolves


New member
I want to be able to dimension the diameter of a revolve.

For instance, in the sketcher, I place my construction line for the revolve axis. Next, I'll place a line that is parallel to the center line. At the moment, I can only dimension from the line to the centerline, which would be the radius.

In SolidWorks I could dimension from the solid line to the centerline, like in Pro/E. Or, I could dimension to a mirror line on the opposite side of the centerline, which would give me the diameter.

Anyway, I was wondering if there was any way to do this in Pro/E. Thanks for your help.
It's been awhile, but if I remember correctly, you click on the line then the center line then again on the line and it will place a diameter rather than a radius.
I think you remember correctly

