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Dichotomize a part?


New member
Hello guys,
I have a problem that doesn't let me sleep.I want to cut one model to two,or to threeand to save it like other file.Is there any chance to help me with this problem?I will be grateful of any help

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Could you explain better what you want to do? Please, make an example, so that we could help you the better way.


If you have advanced assembly extension what you can do is create surfaces in your 1 model or (master model) that will define how the parts split out. Then create a new part. Then go to insert->shared data->merge to bring in the geometry from the master. Then choose the splitsurface and solidfy(remove) to keep this components geometry. Now as you update the "master" the split out components will update accordingly. This is also known as "Top Down Assembly" or "master model merge"..

Good luck

emal us a picture of your model. is it necessary to use advanced modules/techniques of proe to do your job... i suppose not. proe is a brilliant software and i am sure that there will be another way to do this

please upload your model and tell us the final parts you wanna have

Try to do this:

step1: create an assembly, where you have to position your part, then create the planes you want to use to split your model.

step2: inside the assembly, create a number of empty parts equal to the number of splitted parts of your model you want to create.

step3: activate the first empty part you have created then copy all the surfaces of the model you have positioned as first in your assembly, and the plane you want to use as split.

step4: Repeat the step 3 for every part.

step5: Save ithe assembly.

step6: open the first part you have created as empty and you will find all the surfaces you have copied. Use the plane copied to split your model. Fill the open face with a surface created on the fly. Merge the two surfaces, then solidify.

step7: repeat the step 6 for every splitted part you want to create.

I hope this could help you.


I think what you want is you start with one part and have it end as three or more different parts.

A way to do this would be with a family table.

You have your one part, make your cuts you need, and in the family tabel you create new instances with new names and add/ surpress features.

If you need more help let me know


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