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Different ProE Files


New member
I have been using ProE for many years now, and have never figured out or had explained to me the many different files that ProE creates when a new model is created. What exactly does the 'trail text' files do, and are they needed? The other file that seems to be prevelant is the '.out_log' file. Are these needed as well? Besides wanting to know for myself, the other reason for wanting to know about these as well as other files is because our server here at work is starting to fill up, and I would like to know if many of these files can be deleted off the server. Any help provided would be greatly appreciated!!! THANKS in advance!
A trail file is a record of all menu choices, dialog-box choices, selections, and keyboard entries for a particular working session. Trail files allow you to view the record of activity so that you can reconstruct a previous working session or recover from an abrupt termination of a session. Those log files are records of import or export geometry operations. What I'd also like to know is what are .ger and .lsl files?
Trail files can be rerun to help you recover lost work in the advent of a crash but it is frequently unsuccessful and more trouble than it is worth if you save frequently. You can delete them. I writh the trail files to the temp directory and have the batch file that launches Pro/E purge that directory so there are only 2 trail files on disk. There are lots of other junk files that can be deleted like *.plt *.inf* *.memb* *.dat *.ers* *.ger* *.tst *.shd *.ref *.crc* iges_stats.dat* *.bde *.bdi *.bdm *.als *.pls *.bak *.pic.*
Thanks so much for you answers mgnt8 and dr_gallup. Hopefully this will help us in deleting the 'junk' files on our server that ProE creates.
Hello Johni,
Actually dr_gallup had given you all the information about ur question but i thought i would like toappend the list by adding some more junk files. They are *.m_p* *.bom* *.ptd* *s2d0* *.sec * *.txt* *.out* *.trail*. Make sure you include these files in you clean.bat file.

Best Regards,

Mudassir Khan
Too bad if you have sketched sections saved in the library which *.sec will delete.

If you have .plt files you probably haven't configured "allow_file_naming" and/or "delete after plotting" correctly.


