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Dimension represented by letter in fam ta


New member
Hi all,

I know I've done this before, but I can't find how to represent a dimension with a letter, and showing the letter in a family table, with the values for the different instancesdriven by the fam table.

I wonder if someone can help me?

edit the feature the dim is in click dimension 1 time right click edit then change @d to @s then change d5 to any letter
Dear ICE8.

Thanks A lot I am aslo facing this problem.Actually I need this one drawing mode while I am retriving dimensiob I want give some text insted of dimension.Ex if 400*200*20 mm block Insted of 400 I want it give I got it.

Once again thanks a lot

Gopal Kulkarni.
While in drawing mode, you can create a dimension, and then edit the text. Change the "@d" to"@o" add add whatever text you want. Example: @oLENGTH will put "LENGTH" as the dimension. This only works on "created" dimensions. You cannot do this to the "driven" dimensions on the model.
To put a name to a dimension in the family table click on the dimension, click on properties then pick dimension text, in the space which has name, put the name you want, this will overwrite the default text, eg proe may call the dimension "d5" when you overwrite it it will be called "length"

To view the dimension names simply click info then pick "Info" then "Switch Dimension" this will show you the symbols for all dimensions in view

This is for driven dimensions

Hope this helps

