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All I want to do is create dimensioning to a part which I have created by Top Down method. All my parts should be dimensioned from the assembly absolute co-ordinate system. can anyone help me out.
Hi Ankarl, I have the coordinate with me in assembly no doubt about that. But actually what I wanted to do is to create the dimensioning in drawing, all the dimensions should be from my absolute coordinate system. When I have created the view of a single part of that assembly, but the absolute coordinate is not in my sheet. I want ordinate dimensioning of my componenet from my absolute coordinate. Thats all I want to do!!!! I think that now my question is clear to all of you.
The only way I can think of doing this would be to create a second CYS over the first CYS in the assembly. What this does is place this CYS in all the parts. Normally this is not a good idea because it sets up an external references in all the parts. What this does to you is any time that you call a part up from common space you will drag everything tied to this assembly with it.
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