Not sure if this is a bug or due to my mouse button being sticky (sometimes triple-clicks): sometimes, dimensions for a feature or body will appear in the 3D model. I have to click on hide all dimensions to hide them. But doing so prevents the viewing of dimensions when selecting a feature.
Example, I created a solid square. no dimensions are shown, selecting an edge will show the relevant dimensions. then i add more features. Let's assume cutting 2 holes and rounding the the edges. Then adding another feature, lets assume extruding a boss. After the last feature was added, the dimensions for that last feature will appear in the model. I did not change any settings.
Another example, is after I save a part and reopen the part later, the dimensions will show up. That is, I know for a fact that the part was saved with no dimensions showing, but after reopening the part I see lots of dimensions in the 3D model.
Has anyone experienced this? did I explain this clearly?
Example, I created a solid square. no dimensions are shown, selecting an edge will show the relevant dimensions. then i add more features. Let's assume cutting 2 holes and rounding the the edges. Then adding another feature, lets assume extruding a boss. After the last feature was added, the dimensions for that last feature will appear in the model. I did not change any settings.
Another example, is after I save a part and reopen the part later, the dimensions will show up. That is, I know for a fact that the part was saved with no dimensions showing, but after reopening the part I see lots of dimensions in the 3D model.
Has anyone experienced this? did I explain this clearly?