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Dimensions in dwg

How do u do dimensions in dwg?

  • Derived from model using show/erase

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I do both.

I use the part dimensions to control the part. I use these where I can but the drawing sometimes requires dimensions to program or to control manufacture.
I usually create in drawing as changing decimal places in the drawing will change the size of the part if using driving dimensions. I've had a time when there were many parts in an assembly, each of them constrained to the next. When the decimal places of each of these parts was reduced from 3 to 2, the length of the assembly changed by over a foot. This caused a chain in the assembly to fail and other parts as well.
Hello dross.
By doing that way, there is one disadvantage of not having proper model representation of you design, as it is in drawing.For example in model it seems like ok but, in practical way, there may be some clash/gap in asm
I try to start a model with the end in mind. Sometimes you
just have to create the dim in the drawing for good
drafting and clarity.
Is there a way to create refrences dimension and put them on a diffrent layer. I'mtrying toput a dimension on a model for visual aid. If I add a refrences dimension, it puts it on my 3Dnotes layer and I'm only looking to see my model and the dimensions.
Please put your question in appropriate section(modeling) to have better answer and make it helpful to some1 in future,
Also mention which version of pro-E u r using

