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disabling smart relations or snaps?


New member
I have a sketch of a partial gear and i want to draw a circle around the gear tooth. When I drag the circle, the points on the gear teeth automatically snap to the circle. I right click to turn off any relations that appear, but how do I prevent all the points from snapping to the circle? This is annoying because if the dimensions of the tooth profile are not locked, they will change as I drag the circle. Is there a quick command to turn on/off the auto snapping?

Also, related to auto relations and snapping, when i add dimensions to an entity, sometimes the the entity shifts or adjusts itself. How do I prevent that from happening? Is it because I chose not to use the weak dimension?


newbie, WF2.0 M070 WinXp

Edited by: hellomoto
Sometimes when it is trying to do too much stuff automatically I just turn the intent manager off (top of sketch menu pull down). You can also go to sketch/options, constraints tab and turn off certain types of automatic constraints.
Also, you can try drawing your circle smaller/larger than the gear tooth so it won't try to snap to vertices, etc. Then constrain and redimension the circle to the correct size.

The one I really hate is when I try to add a centerline and it snaps to section entities off-screen. It will drive you crazy trying to addan angledimension and it says you are over constrained! I'll have to create a mapkey for the 'intent manager off' function.

Instead of turning the entire intent manager you can turn on and off
options that you either like or dislike or if you enjoy right clicking
you can click away till you're happy.

There are config options new to Wildfire that turn off and on the
options found in the constraints tab of the Sketcher Preferences that
shows when you select Sketch -> Options.



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