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Dividing an entity into number of parts


New member
In the Sketcher I'm trying to divide a circle into a number of equal parts.Is there a function for this to divide an entity into a given number of equal parts? Sorry - probably a beginner's question....
I doubt there is such a tool, as far as I know thereis none.

However, there is always workaoriund for eacg problem.

Use centerlines, cunstruction lines to construct conditions for such shape, and use divide by point


Cannot understand the end use. However, you can divide any curve into equalportions (if not seperate sketches or parts)by inserting points and then patterning the point.
how many parts are we talking about? If it is only a few then, (lets say 4) create the circle, create 2 centerlines dimensioned 90 degrees from each other, create sketcher points on the intersection of the centerlines and the circle, then use the divide at entity tool (located in the trim flyout), pick the 4 points you just created. Now you have4 parts to your circle.
Thanks for helping out folks. I thought it may be the case that I would just have to construct the divisions. The purpose for this is for plane geometry drawings in our classrooms. Perhaps there is a better way to do plane geometry drawings in ProE?

you can use the divide segment button without any additional features added. just choose the button and click where you think you want to divide the circle. Then dimension as you would like. Of course construction features can be helpful, but they are not essential.


oliwally said:
The purpose for this is for plane geometry drawings in our classrooms. Perhaps there is a better way to do plane geometry drawings in ProE?

If that is the case, follow the method detailed by me above. i.e. create a sketch, insert a point at a ratio say 0.1 (for 10 equal divisions) and then dimension pattern the point with an increment of .1.
Hi all,

to divide a circle (or any curve) to iqual parts you can
do also this :
1. sketch the curve (any diameter you want) using sketch
2. Put the point anywhere you want
3. Leave active the point which you creted and click to
4. In pattern tool choose the curve option, click on the
circle and after you have to click the button what
1-2-3-4 and just insert how manu iqual parts do you

Pro-E will divide the circle to exact iqual parts, after
go to the sketch mode and use the points as reference.

and thats it.


