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Dividing the model


New member
Dear all,
I would like to divide the enclosed model(revolve 14) in three parts and put these parts in other empty files.Is it possible and can I keep associativity between these files and source file?The points to divide are not important.Roughly it can be divided as center part,side part and bottom part.
Thanks in advance for all your helps and best regards.2010-12-19_090627_layout_82_toff.prt.rar
Can you post a pic? The place I work, downloading rar and zip files are prohibited.

However, if I get you right, You can split a model into as many parts as you want, in as many ways as you want. Ensure that the splits are seperate features.

Create a Family table and include or exclude the features to suit your need. The generic part is still associated with the family parts.
sounds like Top Down Design to me.

I cant see .rar files, soi cant help you with the specific case!

Dear members,

Dear shirinivasaniye1,
If you please send me detailed inf I would be very pleased.
Dear Tobbo,
Would you please send a tutorial for top down design.The form is produced by three molds.After calculation the weight and adjusting shape I will divide the form in three and use the parts for cut out.
Best regards.
I shall try to explain to the extent possible...

Consider a rectangular Plate. You need to divide the plate into irregular shapes, say by laser cutting. At the same time you wish to keep the plate in its original shape.


  1. <LI>Create the rectangular plate.
    <LI>Create cuts in such a way that each seperate portion has a seperate CUT feature.
    <LI>Create Family Table (Tools --> Family Table) with all the cut features added as Columns.
    <LI>Enter "Y" or "N" instead of the default "*".</LI>

You now have the original part (Generic part) and the seperate family parts too.
Regarding sending you a tutorial for TTD, have youtaken the "Advance Asm." class at ptc? (or any other school that teaches pro/E...) and, have you tried searching the forum for "top down design"?

please start by looking at this:

Then start modelling and when you bump into a specific problem, just ask! Its easier to help that way...

Dear SRINIVASANIYER1 and tobbo,
All I want to do is to copy the pink surface (not all the surfaces of solid part)to an another empty file.Do you think that this is possible?
Best regards.View attachment 4862
Well, now it becomes easier. If the pink surface is seperately created surface, it is possible. You must have Advanced Assembly Extention (AAX).

I do not have proe open now, hence quoting from memory.

Insert -->Shared Data-->Publish Geometry--> select the surfaces and create a publish geometry feature.

Open a new file Insert-->Shared Data --> Copy geometry from file [select the publish geometry from the old file.
dont have to d oa publish for that one... Just copy the surf as a surf. And if your pink surf isn
I tried all your reommendationIt is working but it is not what I want.Because I want to see all dims on the new file but it is impossible.
Dear Tobbo,
Thank you for e-cognitions tutorial.It is useful but not for my problem.
All I need is to copy surfaces dividing a revolved part surface and use ithem for cut outs.I also need to copy the surfaces with their dims.
One more question;
May I copy the sketch curves used for the revolved feature by dividing them?Thanks for your kind helps and best regards.


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