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Does SolidWorks crashes a lot?


New member

I'm in the process of selecting a Cad tool.
I hate tools that do crash a lot.

So how about SolidWorks.
Do you people loss work regulary because of crashes or other software errors?
It depends very much to the system.
If use 32bit, don't try heavy asembly beacause it will be a
pain!! Our crash about every time you pass the 2gb per
application limit!!
We will move faster to 64 bit but solidworks isn't very
stable at all.....
If you search stability, I suggest Pro/engineer, a good
64bit system and an ECC memory and naturally a certified if nvidia. With a configuration like this
in my precedent job, I usually use the pc power on all the
week while never close the pro/e app!! Now we use all the
time solidworks and every 20-40 minute, it crash
I use solid works all day every day with assemblies over 5000 parts no problem, works a dream, you need 64bit loads of ram and work local, solidworks hates network interupt, as with all of the available Cad systems, they have there limitations you need to learn how to exploit them andavoid going near the weaker parts, solidworks assemblies are stable if you follow the rules load light or save sub assemblies as parts before inserting them into the larger assembly.

I use a Workstation Specialist machine with Core i7 2.8GHz8.00 GB RAM runing window 7

bullet proof with solidwork

All CAD tools crash. All software crashes. I hope, for your sake, that there is other criteria that you are using to select a CAD tool by...

Spawnman - Your models are crashing becasue of your hardware, not due to solidworks. CATIA, NX, ProE, etc would all crash if you tried to do what you are trying to do.

Crashes due to large assemblies is not solely dependent on hardware. This is why it is extremely important to conduct a benchmark when selecting a CAD tool.

Regardless of the CAD tool here are some things to consider; how they manage memory (loading/releasing), file sizes, update/regeneration sequence & performance, light weight data support/replacement, configurations/representations.

Hope that helps,
Yes all software crashes a lot but imho SolidWorks has a higher than
most crash rate. I suggest signing up for a 30day trial of the
SolidWorks All Functionality Premium edition which you can get from any
reseller or a Sales Rep for one of the VARs or Value Added Resellers in
your area.

often do 3D Skills workshops where you can view a demo and get a Trial
Edition of their most expensive software license free for upto 30days.

Should also Check out Siemens NX and Creo Pro or Creo Direct and try
designing the same design in each and track the crashes with recommended
setups that surpass the software requirements.

SolidWorks right now is only supported on Windows and I think we are all aware of the stabillity of that OS

does support Mac and SolidWorks can work on it with boot camp or
parallels but It's not recommended and Tech Support will hang up on you
as soon as you mention the mac OS.

Thx for deleting my cache good thing I copied it before entering the code.


