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draft on a surface


New member
I guess the surface must be closed and capped.... But here is what I am trying to do... I can recall doing this as far back as 1999 ....

I want to draft this surface1 degree with respect to the datum
Can't draft an open quilt. There may be special circumstances where you can (if the actual surface being drafted does not have one sided edges, for example) but that seems to be the rule.

I think it has to do with Pro|E not being able to determine where that top edge should be when it's done. Keep the length of the left edge (therefore 'dropping' the top edge) or keep it attached to the top edge of the adjacent surface to the right?

If the quilt is closed, it'll work because it tidies up the geometry for Pro|E in terms of that open top edge.
Nope. North of here did, but we got a pass. About 3.5" on Saturday (was supposed to be less than 1") and none on Sunday (was supposed to be 3"-5").

The sun is out today and it's almost all gone.


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