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well, you can`t

there is of course an option Insert > Advanced > Blend Tangent to surface

but I doubt it would solve your task. I suppose You would finish this with removing round, make drafts, and recreate draft in the end
first - try with this method. You lose nothing doing this.

However - as I said - I really doubt if it would be successfull

I think in Pro\E WF 3.0 You can find embeded tool for ripping external data of uneeded surfaces. Surely it will be included in WF 4.0
See if attached is close to what you want if you can read
the native. See part param.

I wonder if they'd sent a .neu instead of .stp if you could
have simply copied, extended and merged surfs then drafted.
It appears to be all planar and revolved faces. The .stp
contained all degree 3 x 3 surfs. I don't believe you can
draft them(?).

hmmm... guess the links don't survive cut - n - paste ...

2008-01-18_071923_tmp_prt--wf2--.prt. 2008-01-18_071959_tmp_prt--wf2--.igs.zipzip
Edited by: jeff4136
Thanks Jeff and muadib, as always I thought that ProE would solve the problem itself....and as always I find a lot of workaround to do. :-(
Hi, as I know it from Catia, I had to remove all rounds and than made drafts and than bring back all rounds. Too much work but it worked. I don't know if this is possible in ProE. I tried but without results yet.


if I am not mistaken, wildfire 4 can hide the rounds as you described. Proe still has work to do to come close to some of the catia strengths.

use the edit->remove functionality to remove the rounds, add draft, recreate the round.

This functionality is available in WF 3.0 and 4.0.
I do not think that the remove functionallity is in WF 3.0.

But you are going to need to remove the radii on all surfaces you want drafted in order to draft them. The tangency of the radii will change and this is why it will not let you draft it. The vertical radii do not need to be removed, but they will be altered when draft if they are not removed.
I only saw this post today.

A few years ago, out industrial design department created some electric shower fronts for us. They decided not to bother putting any draft on the sides and then said it would be too much effort to add the draft. They were using different software so I was put in the same position that you have been and had to ass the draft.

I recreated the surfaces, extended them to remove the edge rounds. Merged everything, then added the draft. Finally I added the rounds. It's actually easy enough to do and shouldn't take that long.

Good luck
You can use the Independent Geometry functionality to remove the rounds and then extend the surfaces, add draft and finaly recreate the rounds.

