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New member
I have the subject option set to 'yes' in my, which means I can't change the model in the drawing mode. It also means that I can't change the number of decimal places on certain dimensions and I can't add a prefix like '4X' either. Is this a proper way of doing things in Pro?

Steve C
It's not proper in any program.

When detailing, it's often necessary/essential to make changes to the model in support of the drawing as you've just stated.

In fact I'd go so far as to say it's impossible to detail without having to effect model changes.

Beats me why this is a config option %-)
Are you saying that you have this option set to 'no'?

It seems to me that there should be somekind of middle ground for editing dimensions.

I understand the functionallity of changing model parameters in the drawing mode, but I'm concerned that someone without proper access will change a dimension without realizing they've changed the model. This is why I have it set to 'yes'.

Steve C
There are other ways of controling access to documents - PDM, Ilink etc.

Drawings and their supporting models can't be controlled independently - they are not mutually exclusive - which is what this config option is attempting to do.
I guess you right, I'm using Ilink and when someone wants to edit a drawing, they're going to need to check-out the part file, too.

Thanks for the help...

Steve C
There are a few things that can be changed in a drawing without changing the model. For instance; notes, view scales, drawing formats, etc. However, we found it too restrictive to be useful. It would be nice if there was finer granularity to this control instead of all or nothing. For instance, I would like to be able to let a draftsperson change dimension tolerances but not nominal geometry, add geometric tolerances but not delete them, etc.

