Hi, I'm wondering what other peoples views are on this. Simple example; Say your drawing two holes 50mm apart, which are to be symetrical about a datum plane. It would seem logicalto me to draw a centre line on the datum and use the symmetry constraint on the two holes. One dimension of 50 mm is then placed to distance the holes apart.
In my job I often have to work with many files created over the years by varioususers and invaribly in the example above I will see that there will betwo dimensions, one to space the holes (50mm) and another todistanceone of the holes to thedatum(25mm), instead of using the symetry constraint. The part will be correct but if you modify the 50mm dim then the 25mm dim also needs to modified.
Can anyone suggest whythis method is used? It can be an absolute minefield for anyone (i.e. me) trying to modify the partslater on. Is this just a case of lazy technique or am I missing something?
Edited by: herroni
In my job I often have to work with many files created over the years by varioususers and invaribly in the example above I will see that there will betwo dimensions, one to space the holes (50mm) and another todistanceone of the holes to thedatum(25mm), instead of using the symetry constraint. The part will be correct but if you modify the 50mm dim then the 25mm dim also needs to modified.
Can anyone suggest whythis method is used? It can be an absolute minefield for anyone (i.e. me) trying to modify the partslater on. Is this just a case of lazy technique or am I missing something?
Edited by: herroni