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Drawings from Outside Vendor


New member
Good morning all,

We were having an outside vendor generate drawings for a project that we're working on and due to time constraints we're bringing it back in house. They have started some of the part drawings for the assembly and they are sending them to us.

The question that I have is this: is there a way to incorporate their drawings along with our parts that we have in Windchill (some changes have been made) without loosing the link between the two?

We are using Pro/E WF4 and Windchill R10.0.

Thanks in Advance,
I would advise using Windchlll Project link if you have it. Other wise there is a big potential for conflicts of models.
Are you saying you have thing.prt in Windchill, they also have thing.prt and have done a drawing of it, thing.drw and you want to use your thing.prt with their thing.drw? Yes, you can, but you will likely lose information. Any created dims in thing.drw are stored in the thing.prt file, so that information would get lost if you used your thing.prt file.

Best to bring in both files from them. If you've made changes to thing.prt that are not present in their thing.prt, then you'll need to decide which is harder to redo, your part changes or their drawing changes. You won't be able to keep both, unfortunately.
For future reference, there is a config option "create_drawing_dims_only". If you check yes, all new dimensions created will be saved to the drawing file, not the model. Your outside vendor needs to be instructed to use this.

I'm still on WF3, so I don't know about subsequent versions.
That is a useful option, but there are limitations. The reason the dims are stored in the model is to allow model dims and parameters (I believe) to be embedded into created drawing dims. With it set to "yes", you cannot embed model dims into created drawing dims.

