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.DRW Repeat Region / FIX Indexes Sub-Asy --> Asy


New member

Our company has made the switch from Inventor to Creo 2.0 M200. One of our Mechanical Design processes is to create an ASM (ASY "X.ASM") with it's own DRW (DRW "X.DRW"). On the X.DRW we create Repeat Region table that drives our BOM. In some cases we use the FIX INDEX on the item number to fit our best practices/internal processes, reordering the BOM.

From here we use this X.ASM and create an assembly schematic and balloon; Y.ASM and Y.DRW, for manufacturing. We use the Repeat Region table and change the MODEL/REP to X.ASM. This allows us to balloon our views by the correct RPT.INDEX from X.ASM.

Our issue is when we FIX INDEX on X.DRW to a different number. This change does not appear in the Y.DRW table.

How can we represent this change in Y.DRW? or do we have to FIX INDEX on both tables; X.DRW and Y.DRW?

Thank You
Hi Mike,
There is another method instead of using FIX INDEX.

Please see the file in the link below. (File is too big to upload to this forum.)
This method is assigning ASSYINDEX (Item Number or Find Number) in the assembly.

There are some advantages of using ASSYINDEX.
FIX INDEX is limited to the drawing only but creating ASSYINDEX can be propagated to Windchill.

BTW, you CAN change the name of this parameter 'ASSYINDEX' to something else. ASSYINDEX instead of Fix_Index.pdf?dl=0

Good luck.


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