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dual dimns. in modle and drawing


New member
Hi....I am new in Pro-e user I like to give a dimns in drawing , my modle is in inch.

my drawing dimns should be in INCH and MM.

so please anybody can help.

shall I want to

thanks in advance

Hello shriram,

if u go to the drawing options in ur drawing , there is an
option show_dual_dimension_or some thing similar in that drawing
configuration file. set option to yes (default option may be no.) .
apply . save(if u want it to remain for all drawings in that particular

Hope that works for you.

If you are using Wildfire 2.0 then you can do the following:-

Right-click on the drawing background & choose Drawing Options

In the category marked These options control dimensions look for the following

dual_dimensioning (options are no, primary[secondary], secondary[primary] or secondary)

Save the changes & save the file to your drawings setup directory (give it a filename you will recognise)

To ensure that all future drawings use the same options, go to your and add

drawing_setup_file (full path & filename of the file you just saved - it's a .dtl file)


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