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dual row increment family table


New member
I have modelled the simple packing boxs with L, W, H varied at different size.

Each boxes have a open and close only for the top cover. How do create
a family table for it? The instance is varied at L,W,H but every
instance can have "open states" and "close states".
how about this, create 2 instances for every box (one closed, one open) :


-instance 1 _close

-instance 1 _ open

-instance 2 _close

-instance 2 _ open

and so on...and you suppress or not the feature that shows the open close state, in close you put that feature Y and in open you put the feature N.

It doesn't have to be a feature, you can make the cover defined at an angle, and put that angle dimension in family table, one time you give it 45 degrees to open, and 0 degrees to close.
Or, you can embed a family table. Create the different sizes in a family table from your generic model. Then, under theinsert menu, insert an instance level table for each instance. Create your open and closed instances here.

thanks Vlad, thank telecomguy,

I have tried both methods you suggest and both works.

Later on, I edit the family table by MS excel.


-instance 1 _close

-instance 1 _ open

-instance 2 _close

-instance 2 _ open

The above method is simpler way to do in excel.

